
Institut für Geo- und Umweltnaturwissenschaften

Mineralogie - Petrologie 

Albertstraße 23b   

79104 Freiburg i. Br.       

Tel.: +49 (0)761 -203-6396  




Thermodynamics of geological and technical materials

Master course offered annually in the summer semester

The course focuses on thermodynamic properties of solid, liquid and gaseous phases that govern their stability and phase equilibria. We will discuss models for solids, melts and fluids, equations of state for high temperatures and pressures, thermodynamic datasets and prediction of phase equilibria and phase diagrams. Thermodynamic modeling of phase equilibria, construction of phase diagrams and prediction of chemical partitioning is basis for interpretation of pressure-temperature paths of metamorphic rocks, differentiation mechanisms of magmas as well as design and optimization of numerous technological processes such as synthesis, crystallization, smelting, combustion, fluid extraction etc. This module is recommended to students enrolled in mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, crystallography, inorganic or physical chemistry, and material science.

Format: 2 week hours (60 % lectures, 40 % practical sessions)

Instructor: Prof. David Dolejš

Course contents

  • Thermodynamics: state functions, phase transformations and processes
  • Pressure-temperature-volume equations of state
  • Caloric properties
  • Thermodynamic properties at high temperature and pressure, stability criteria
  • Partial properties and mixing
  • Multicomponent, reciprocal and ordered mixtures
  • Thermodynamic origin of phase diagrams
  • Mathematical methods for calculation of phase diagrams
  • Dynamic simulation of thermodynamic data

Course materials are available in the university e-learning system (ILIAS)

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