Prof. Dr. Jörg Keller (emer.)
Institut für Geo- und Umweltnaturwissenschaften
Mineralogie - Petrologie
Albertstraße 23b
79104 Freiburg, Germany
Fon: 0761 / 203 6404 direkt
Fon: 0761 / 203 6396 Sekretariat
Fax: 0761 / 203 6407
Neu: The Aeolian Islands Volcanoes
Petrologie, Geochemie und Vulkanologie der Karbonatite und assoziierter Alkaligesteine, "Freiburger Karbonatitforschungen"
Petrogenese karbonatitischer Magmen: Entstehung und Herkunft karbonatitischer Schmel-zen, geochemische Entwicklung, physikalisch-chemischer Zustand der Magmen.
Seltenerd-Elemente (REE-Mineralisation) in Karbonatiten. Fluidregime in karbonatitischen Sy-stemen. Kathodenlumineszenz von Karbonatitmineralien. Vulkanologische Phänomene ex-trusiver Karbonatite im Kaiserstuhl, Hegau und im Ostafrikanischen Graben. Alkaligesteine und Karbonatite im Ostmexikanischen Vulkangürtel. Natronkarbonatite des Oldoinyo Lengai.
Karbonatite und Begleitgesteine im Kaiserstuhl: Diatrembreccien, Erdmantelkomponenten, Karbonatitintrusionen und Gänge, Silikokarbonatite.
Grabenvulkanismus im ORG (Oberrheingraben), primäre Magmen, Asthenosphären- Lithosphärenquellen, Mantelkomponenten, K-Ar und Ar-Ar Datierungen (mit Dr. M. Kraml). EUCOR-URGENT-Projekt
Explosiver Vulkanismus
Eruptions- und Ablagerungsmechanismen pyroklastischer Fälle, pyroklastischer Ströme und pyroklastischen Surges. Calderabildung, Magmenkammerprozesse. Mitarbeit in IAVCEI-Commission Explosive Volcanism. Tephrochronologische Korrelationen, Vulkanostratigraphie.
"METEOR"-Forschungen, ODP-Projekte
Projekt "Aschenlagen in Tiefseesedimenten — Zeitskalierung sedimentärer und klimatischer Prozesse" im Rahmen von Expeditionen des deutschen Forschungsschiffes FS "METEOR" im Ionischen Meer und in der Levante. Tephra-Datierungen mittels Ar-Ar und Laser Ar-Ar. Ver-knüpfungen paläoklimatologischer Archive. Korrelation mit ODP-Kernen
Magmengenese im Inselbogenvulkanismus
Geochemie und Petrogenese des Inselbogenvulkanismus und der konvergenten Kontinental-ränder. Herkunft der Magmen und Subduktionsdynamik.
Dekadenvulkanprogramm Merapi, Java: Merapi Magma System, Magmatologische Evolution, Risiko-Aspekte.
Archäometrie: Vulkanismus und Archäologie
Obsidianvorkommen im neogenen und quartären Vulkanismus des Mittelmeerraumes: Prä-historische Nutzung, Provenienzstudien, geochemische Korrelation.
Aufbau einer Proben- und Datenbank für das Gebiet Anatolien-Armenien-Kaukasus.
Vulkanologische Aspekte des Minoischen Santorinausbruchs.
Regionale Schwerpunkte:
Rheingraben, Ostafrika, Äolische Inseln, Stromboli, Lipari, Filicudi, Salina, Santorin, Türkei; "METEOR"-Expeditionen im Ionischen Meer und östl. Mittelmeer, Indonesien.
Wichtigste nationale und internationale Aufgaben:
Vice-President of IAVCEI: Int. Assoc. of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth Interior. DFG-Fachausschußvorsitzender "Wissenschaften der Festen Erde"
KELLER, J. (1964): Zur Vulkanologie des Burkheim-Sponeck-Gebietes im westlichen Kaiserstuhl.- Ber. Naturf. Ges. Freiburg, 54, 107-130.
KELLER, J. (1965): Eine Tuffbreccie vom Henkenberg bei Niederrotweil und ihre Bedeutung für die Magmatologie des Kaiserstuhls.- Ber. Naturf. Ges. Freiburg, 55, 349-364.
KELLER, J. (1965): Zur Herkunft der Malmblöcke am Schönberg bei Freiburg.- Ber. Naturf. Ges. Freiburg, 55, 391-398.
KELLER, J. (1966): Die Geologie der Insel Salina.- Diss. Freiburg 1966 183 S.
KELLER, J. (1967): Alter und Abfolge der vulkanischen Ereignisse auf den Äolischen Inseln.- Ber. Naturf. Ges. Freiburg, 57, 33-67.
HONNOREZ, J. & KELLER, J. (1968): Xenolithe in vulkanischen Gesteinen der Äolischen Inseln.- Geol. Rundsch. 57, 719-736.
KELLER, J. (1969): Ritrovamenti di tufi alkali-trachitici della Campania nelle Isole Eolie.- Atti Acc. Gioenia Catania, Ser. VII, Vol. I, 1-9, Catania 1969.
KELLER, J. (1969): Origin of rhyolithes by anatectic melting of granitic crustal rocks.- Bull. Volc. 33, 942-959.
KELLER, J. (1970): Datierung der Obsidiane und Bimstuffe von Lipari.- N. Jb. Geol. Mh., Jg. 1970, 90-101.
KELLER, J. (1970): Die historischen Eruptionen von Vulcano und Lipari.- Z. deutsch. Geol. Ges., 121, 179-185.
KELLER, J. (1970): Carta Geologica dell'Isola di Salina, 1:10000.- Istituto Intern. Vulcanologia, Catania 1970.
KELLER, J. (1971): The major volcanic events in recent Mediterranean volcanism and their bearing on the problem of Santorini ash-layers.- Acta 1st Internat. Sci. Congress on the Volcano of Thera, Athen 1971, 152-169.
KELLER, J. (1972): Geological Map of the Island of Vulcano, 1:10000.- Istituto I
Intern. Vulcanologia, Catania 1972.
KELLER, J. & NINKOVICH, D. (1972): Tephra-Lagen in der Ägäis.- Z. deutsch. Geol. Ges., 123, 579-587.
JUNG, D. & KELLER, J. (1972): Der junge Vulkanismus Zentralanatoliens.- Z. deutsch. Geol. Ges., 123, 503-512.
KELLER, J. & VILLARI, L. (1972): Rhyolithic ignimbrites in the region of Afyon (Central Anatolia).- Bull. Volc., 36, 342-358.
DI GIROLAMO, P. & KELLER, J. (1972): Die Stellung des Grauen Campanischen Tuffs innerhalb des quartären Vulkanismus Campaniens (Mittelitalien).- Ber. Naturf. Ges. Freiburg, 61/62, 85-92.
BARBERI, F., INNOCENTI, F., FERRARA, G., KELLER, J. & VILLARI, L. (1974): Evolution of Eolian Arc Volcanism (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea).- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 21, 269-276.
KELLER, J. (1974): Petrology of some volcanic rock series of the Aeolian Arc, southern Tyrrhenian Sea: Calc-alkaline and shoshonitic associations.- Contr. Mineral. Petrol. 46, 29-47.
KELLER, J. & LEIBER, J. (1974): Sedimente, Tephra-Lagen und Basalte der südtyrrhenischen Tiefsee-Ebene im Bereich des Marsili-Seeberges.- "Meteor" Forsch.-Ergebnisse, Reihe C, 19, 62-76.
KELLER, J. (1974): Microcodium-Kalke in Tuffschloten am Schönberg bei Freiburg i.Br.- Jb. geol. Landesamt Baden-Württemberg 16, 35-40.
KELLER,J. (1974): Quaternary Maar Volcanism near Karapinar in Central Anatolia.- Bull. Volcanol. 38, 378-396.
KELLER, J., RYAN, W.F.B., NINKOVICH, D. & ALTHERR, R. (1975): The deep-sea record of Quaternary volcanism in the Mediterranean.- Rapp. Comm. int. Mer. Medit. 23, 4a, 195-197.
JACOBSHAGEN, V. MAKRIS, J., OKRUSCH, M., SEIDEL, E., KELLER, J., DÜRR, S. & RICHTER, D. (1975): Geodynamics of the Aegean region.- Nat. Comm. of the Geodynamics Project of the FRG, 1975 Progress Report, p.63-71.
WAGNER, G.A., STORZER, C. & KELLER, J. (1976): Spaltspurendatierung quartärer Gesteinsgläser aus dem Mittelmeerraum.- N. Jb. Miner. Mh. 1976, 2, 84-94.
ALTHERR, R., KELLER, J. & KOTT,K. (1976): Der jungtertiäre Monzonit von Kos und sein Kontakthof (Ägäis, Griechenland).- Bull. Soc. geol. Fr. 18, 403-412.
KELLER, J., JUNG, D. & ECKHARDT, F.-J. (1976): Andesite in Zentralanatolien - Geochemische Petrologie einer koninentalen Kalkalkaliassoziation.- Fortschr. Miner. 54, Beih.1, 118-119.
JUNG, D., KELLER, J. & ECKHARDT, F.-J. (1976): Alkalibasalte und peralkalische Rhyolithe beidseits der südostanatolischen Überschiebung.- Fortschr. Miner. 54, Beih.1, 117-118.
ALTHERR, R., KELLER, J., HARRE, W., HÖHNDORF, A., KREUZER, H., LENZ, H., RASCHKA, H. & WENDT, I. (1976): Geochronological data on granitic rocks of the Aegean Sea.- Rapp. CIESM XXVth Congress and Plenary Assembly Split.
ALTHERR, R., KELLER, J., HARRE, W., HÖHNDORF, A., KREUZER, H., LENZ, H., RASCHKA, H., WENDT, J. & WAGNER, G. (1977): Miocene metamorphism and related plutonism within the Attic-Cycladic Crystalline Complex. Athens: VIth Colloquium on the Geology of the Aegean Region.
KELLER, J. (1978): Primary olivine-nephelinite magmas in the Rhinegraben riftvalley volcanism (Central Europe).- International Geodynamics Conference "Magma Genesis", Tokyo 1978, Vol. of Abstracts 270-271.
BREY, G., KELLER, J. & SCHMINCKE, H.-U. (1978): Chemische Zusammensetzung und Entstehung primärer basaltischer Gesteine der känozoischen Vulkanprovinzen Deutschlands.- Fortschr. Mineral. 56, Beih.1, 12-13.
KELLER, J. (1978): Megakristalle von Al-reichem Klinopyroxen in Olivinnepheliniten und deren experimentelle Modellierung als Hochdruck-Liquidusphasen.- Fortschr. Mineral. 56, Beih.1, 56-57.
KELLER, J. (1978): Karbonatitische Schmelzen im Oberfächenvulkanismus des Kaiserstuhls.- Fortschr. Mineral. 56, Beih.1, 58.
DIETRICH, V., EMMERMANN, R., KELLER,J. & PUCHELT, H. (1978): Oceanic Basalts from the Tyrrhenian Basin, DSDP LEG 42A, HOLE 373 A.- Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Vol. SLII, Part 1, 515-530.
KELLER, J. (1977): Frühe Mineralanalysen im Kaiserstuhl im Vergleich mit modernen Mikrosondendaten.- Ber. Naturf. Ges. Freiburg 67, 113-125.
KELLER, J., JUNG, D., BURGATH, K. & WOLFF, F. (1977): Geologie und Petrologie des neogenen Kalkalkali-Vulkanismus von Konya (Erenler Dag-Alaca Dag-Massiv, Zentral-Anatolien).- Geol. Jb. B 25, 37-117.
KELLER, J., RYAN, W.B.F., NINKOVICH, D. & ALTHERR, R. (1978): Explosive volcanic activity in the Mediterranean over the past 200.000 yr as recorded in deep-sea sediment.- Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull. 89, 591-604.
DIETRICH, W., EMMERMANN, R. KELLER, J. & PUCHELT, H. (1977): Tholeitic Basalts from Tyrrhenian sea floor.- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 36, 285-296.
DÜRR, S., ALTHERR, R., KELLER, J., OKRUSCH, M. & SEIDEL, E. (1978): The Median Aegean Crystalline Belt: Stratigraphy, structure, metamorphism, magmatism.- in: H. CLOSS et al. (Ed.): Alps, Apennines, Hellenides. Schweizerbart Stuttgart, 455-477.
HOFFMANN, C. & KELLER, J. (1979): Xenoliths of lawsonite-ferroglaucophane rocks from a Quaternary volcano of Milos (Aegean Sea, Greece).- Lithos 12, 209-219.
KELLER, J. (1980): Did the Santorini eruption destroy the Minoan world?- Nature 287, 779.
KELLER, J. (1980): Prehistoric pumice tephra on Aegean islands.- Acta 2nd Int. Scientif. Congr. on the Volcano of Thera "Thera and the Aegean World" (C.Doumas Ed.).Vol. 2, 49-56.
KELLER, J. (1981): Carbonatitic volcanism in the Kaiserstuhl alkaline complex: Evidence for highly fluid carbonatitic melts at the earth's surface.- J. Volcanolgy Geotherm. Res. 9, 423-431.
KELLER, J. & NIGGLI, E. (1980): Alfred Rittmann 1893-1980. SMPM 60, 305-309.
KELLER, J. (1980): The Island of Salina.- Rend. Soc. Italiana Miner. Petrol. 36, 489-524.
KELLER, J. (1980): The Island of Vulcano.- Rend. Soc. Italiana Miner. Petrol. 36, 369-414.
KELLER, J. (1981): Quaternary tephrochronology in the Mediterranean region.- NATO, Advanced Study Institutes Series, Tephra Studies (SELF & SPARKS, Ed.), 227-244.
KATZ, K. & KELLER, J. (1981): Comb-layering in carbonatite dykes.- Nature 294, 5839, 350-352.
ALTHERR, R., KREUZER, H., WENDT, I., LENZ, H., WAGNER, G.A., KELLER, J., HARRE, W. & HÖHNDORF, A. (1982): A Late Oligocene/Early Miocene high temperature belt in the Attic-Cycladic crystalline complex (SE Peagonian, Greece).- Geol. Jb. E 23, 97-164.
KELLER, J. (1982): Mediterranean island arcs.- In: THORPE, R.S. (Edit.): Andesites, Wiley & Sons, 307-325.
EGGLETON, R.A. & KELLER, J. (1982): The palagonitization of limburgite glass - a TEM study.- N. Jb. Miner. Mh. 1982, 321-336.
ALTHERR, R., KREUZER, H., WENDT, I., LENZ, H., WAGNER, G.A., KELLER, J., HARRE, W. & HÖHNDORF, A. (1982): A Late Oligocene/Early Miocene high temperature belt in the Attic-Cycladic crystalline complex (SE Pelagonian, Greece).- Geol. Jb.23, 97-164.
KELLER, J. (1982): Alkalibasalts from the Tyrrhenian Sea Basin: Magmatic and geodynamic significance.- Bull. Volcanol. 44, 327-337.
REINECKE, T., ALTHERR, R., HARTUNG, B. HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K. (Braunschweig), KREUZER, H., HARRE, W. (Hannover), KLEIN, H., KELLER, J. (Freiburg), GEENEN, E. & BÖGER, H. (Kiel) (1982): Remnants of a Late Cretaceous high temperature belt on the Island of An†fi (Cyclades, Greece).- N. Jb. Miner. Abh. 145. 157-182.
WIMMENAUER, W. & KELLER, J. (1982): Bericht über die Exkursion der Schweizerischen Mineralogischen und Petrographischen Gesellschaft zum Kaiserstuhl und in den Odenwald vom 5. bis 7. Oktober 1982. 5. Oktober 1982: Kaiserstuhl.- Bericht über die 57. Hauptversammlung in Basel.
KELLER, J. (1983): Potassic lavas in the orogenic volcanism of the Mediterranean area.- J. Volcan. geotherm. Res. 18, 321-335.
KELLER, J. & BREY, G. (1983): The Hegau volcanic province, SW-Germany: Olivine Melilitites, Phonolites, Melilititic Diatremes, Carbonatites.- Terra Cognita, 3, 143.
JUNG, D., KELLER, J., KHORASANI, R., MARCKS, C., BAUMANN, A. & HORN, P. (1983): Petrology of the Tertiary magmatic activity in the northern Lut area, East of Iran.- Geol. Survey of Iran, Report 51, Geodynamic Project (Geotraverse) in Iran, 285-336.
BREY, G. & KELLER, J. (1984): Die petrologische Charakterisierung des
"Deckentuff"-Magmas im Hegau.- Fortschr. Miner. 62, Bh. 1, 32-33.
KELLER, J. (1984): Geochemie und Magmenentwicklung im Kaiserstuhl.- Fortschr. Miner. 62, Bh. 1, 116-118.
KELLER, J. (1984): Der jungtertiäre Vulkanismus Südwestdeutschlands: Exkursionen im Kaiserstuhl und Hegau.- Fortschr. Miner. 62, Bh. 2, 2-35.
KRAMM, U., SCHLEICHER, H., KELLER, J. & GRAUERT, B. (1984): Nd-Isotopie der Kaiserstuhlgesteine.- Fortschr. Miner. 62, Bh. 1, 131-132.
SCHLEICHER, H., KELLER, J., GRAUERT, B., BAUMANN, A. & KRAMM, U. (1984): Sr-Isotopenuntersuchungen an Alkalivulkaniten des Kaiserstuhls.- Fortschr. Miner. 62, Bh. 1, 207-209.
KELLER, J. (1985): Tertiary alkaline volcanism of SW-Germany: Rhinegraben, Kaiserstuhl, Hegau, Urach. -in: FITTON, J.G. & UPTON, G.J.: Alkaline Igneous Rocks: a review symposium.- J. Geol. Soc. London 142, 703.
KELLER, J., HORNIG, I., KOBERSKI, U., LENHART, R., STADLBAUER, E. & SCHLEICHER, H. (1985): A shoshonitic case history: geochemical evolution of Stromboli.- IAVCEI 1985 Scientific Assembly Potassic Volcanism - Mt. Etna Volcano. Giardini-Naxos (Italy), Abstract Volume.
HORNIG, I., KOBERSKI, U., LENHART, R., STADLBAUER, E. & KELLER, J. (1985): The Evolution of Stromboli Volcano.- IAVCEI 1985 Scientific Assembly Potassic Volcanism - Mt. Etna Volcano. Giardini-Naxos (Italy), Abstract Volume.
MORCHE, W. & KELLER, J. (1985): Distal high-K-tephra layers as tephrochronological marker horizons on the Aeolian Islands (Sicily).- IAVCEI 1985 Scientific Assembly Potassic Volcanism - Mt. Etna Volcano. Giardini-Naxos (Italy), Abstract Volume.
STADLBAUER, E., BOHLA, M. & KELLER, J. (1986): The Kos-Plateau-Tuff (Greece): A major ignimbrite eruption that crossed the open sea.- Abstract International Volcanological Congress, New Zealand 1986, 75.
KONONOVA, V.A., PERVOV, V.A. & KELLER, J. (1986): Der kontinentale känozoische Vulkanismus der Vulkangebiete Dschida (UdSSR) und Changai (Mongolische Volksrepublik) (russisch).- Seria Geologiceskaja 11, 53-68.
STADLBAUER, E., BOHLA, M. & KELLER, J. (1986): Der Kos-Plateau-Tuff (Dodekanes/Griechenland): Das Produkt der gewaltigsten Eruption im Quartär der Ägäis? - Vortragsabstract zum 1. Treffen deutschsprachiger Sedimentologen, Freiburg i.Br.
STADLBAUER, E., HORNIG, I. & KELLER, J. (1986): Magmatologie des Stromboli (Äolische Inseln/Italien).- Fortschr. Miner. 64, Bh. 1, 173.
KATZ-LEHNERT, K. & KELLER, J. (1987): Differentiation trends in carbonatite rocks of the Kaiserstuhl complex, SW-Germany.- Terra Cognita 7, 397.
SCHLEICHER, H., KELLER, J. & KRAMM, U. (1987): Sr isotopic investigations on Cpx-megacrysts from the Kaiserstuhl, FRG.- Terra Cognita 7, 403.
BOHLA, M. & KELLER,J. (1987): Petrology of plinian eruptions of Nisyros volcano, Hellenic arc.- Terra Cognita 7, 171.
HUG-FLECK, C.J. & KELLER, J. (1987): Transport und Faziesentwicklung von phreatomagmatischen Base-Surge-Ablagerungen in den Grauen Porri-Tuffen (Salina, Äolische Inseln, Italien).- Facies, 17, 121-128.
PERVOV, W.A., DRYNKIN, W.J., KERSIN, A.L. & KELLER, J. (1987): Die Geochemie subalkalischer vulkanischer Serien zweier Stadien der spätmesozoischen tektonomagmatischen Aktivitäten im südöstlichen Transbaikalien (russisch).- Geochemia 6, 798-812.
KELLER, J. (Herausgeber) Forschungsbericht der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg 1982/83, 2.Bände
KELLER, J. (Herausgeber) Forschungsbericht der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg 1984/85, 2.Bände
KELLER, J. (Herausgeber): Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Forschen-Wissen-Kontakte. Freiburg 1987.
KELLER, J. (1987): The present status of obsidian source characterization in the Mediterranean area.- Workshop Archéologie et Volcanologie, Ravello 1987.
HUBBERTEN, H.W.,KATZ-LEHNERT, K. & KELLER, J. (1988): Carbon and oxygen isotope investigations in carbonatites and related rocks from the Kaiserstuhl, Germany.- Chemical Geology 70, 257-274.
KELLER, J. (1989): Extrusive carbonatites and their significance.- In: K. Bell (ed.) Carbonatites - Genesis and Evolution. Unwin Hyman London. 7O-88
KELLER, J., GILLOT, P.Y., REHREN, T. & STADLBAUER, E. (1989): Chronostratigraphic data for the volcanism in the eastern Hellenic Arc: Nisyros and Kos.- TERRA abstracts 1, 354.
KELLER, J. & KRAFFT, M. (1989): Composition of natrocarbonatite lavas, Oldoinyo Lengai 1988.- TERRA abstracts 1, 286.
KELLER, J. 1989. Extrusive carbonatites in the Rhinegraben and East African Rift Valley: A comparison. Symposium on the Afro-Arabian Rift System, Karlsruhe 1989. Abstract Volume p.56.
SCHLEICHER, H.,KELLER, J. & KRAMM, U. 1989. Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope studieson alkaline rocks and carbonatites from the Kaiserstuhl, F.R.G., IAVCEI General Assembly Santa Fe "Continental Volcanism. ABSTRACTS. New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Bull. 131, 235.
KELLER, J. & SCHLEICHER, H. 1989. Magmatic character of alkaline rocks from a continental rift environment: Crustal contamination versus enriched subcontinental mantle. A Sr isotopic case study from the Kaiserstuhl (F.R.G.) IAVCEI General Assembly Santa Fe: "Continental Volcanism. ABSTRACTS. New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Bull. 131, 150.
KELLER,J. and SCHLEICHER, H. (1989) Magmatic Charakter of Alkaline Volcanic Rocks from Continental Rift Environment: Crustal Contamination versus Enriched Subcontinental Mantle - Sr-Isotopic Case Study from Kaiserstuhl (West Germany). Abstracts, 28 th International Geological Congress, Washington, D.C.; Vol.2, p.170.
SCHLEICHER,H., KELLER,J. and KRAMM,U. (1989) Sr, Nd and Pb isotope studies on alkaline volcanics and carbonatites from Kaiserstuhl, Federal Republic of Germany. Abstracts, 28 th International Geological Congress, Washington, D.C.; Vol.3, p.47.
LE MAITRE,R.W. (ed.), BATEMAN,P., DUDEK,A., KELLER,J.,LAMEYRE, P., LE BAS,M.J., SABINE,P.A., SCHMID,R., SOERENSEN,H., STRECKEISEN,A., WOOLLEY,A.R. and ZANETTIN,B. (1989) A classification of igneous rocks and glossary of terms. Recommendations of the IUGS Subcomission on the Systematics of Igneous Rocks. Blackwell, London 204p.
(1989) Tephrostratigraphische Untersuchungen im Südatlantik (ODP Legs 113, 114.) Berichte Deutsch. Mineral. Ges. Beih. Europ. J. Mineral.1, 128.
MORCHE,W. und KELLER, J. (1989) Tephrochronologie der Äolischen Inseln (Sizilien).Berichte Deutsch. Mineral. Ges. Beih. Europ. J. Mineral.1, 129.
KELLER, J. 1989. Explosive volcanism in the Hellenic Arc. "Thera and the Aegean World" IIIrd Intern. Congress. Abstract Volume p.
KRAFFT, M. & KELLER, J. Temperature measurements in carbonatite lava-lakes and flows: Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania. Science 245, 168-170.
KELLER, J. & KRAFFT, M. 1990. Effusive natrocarbonatite activity, Oldoinyo Lengai, June 1988. Bull. Volcanol.52, 629-645.
SCHLEICHER, H., KELLER, J. & KRAMM, U. (1990): Isotope studies on alkaline volcanics and carbonatites from the Kaiserstuhl, F. R. G. - Special Issue on "Alkaline Rocks and Carbonatites".Lithos 26, 21-35.
KELLER J , Brey, G., Lorenz, V. & Sachs, P. (1990) Volcanism and petrology of the Upper Rhinegraben (Urach-Hegau-Kaiserstuhl). IAVCEI Int. Volc. Congress Mainz 1990. Field Guide 60p.
Mues, U & KELLER J (1990) The nature of the boundary layer in the magma chamber of the 79 AD Vesuvius eruption. IAVCEI IVC Mainz 1990. Abstract Volume
KELLER J (1990) The Minoan eruption of Santorini: Tephrochronological aspects. PACT-News 20:16
SCHUMACHER, R & KELLER, J. (1990) Depositional characteristics of ignimbrites in Central Anatolia, Turkey - an overview. Int. Earth Sciences Congress on Aegean Regions (IESCA) Izmir, Turkey 1990. Abstract Volume p. 216-217.
D. A.. HARDY Editor, with KELLER J., GALANOPOULOS, V.P., FLEMMING, N.C. and DRUITT, T.H. (1990) Thera and the Aegean World III, Proceedings of the Third Int. Congr. Santorini, Greece Vol. Two: Earth Sciences. Thera Foundation London, 488pp.
KELLER J REHREN TH & STADLBAUER E (1990) Explosive volcanism in the Hellenic Arc: A summary and review. In : Thera and the Aegean World III (ed D. Hardy et al.) Vol.2: 13-26
MORCHE, W. & KELLER J (1990) Tephra studies in the Southern Indian ocean: the Kerguelen Island magmatic history. Field Conference and Workshop on Tephrochronology, Mammoth Springs, Yellowstone,June 1990, Abstracts.
KELLER,J 1991 Petrogenetic carbonatite - melilitite relationships in the Kaiserstuhl complex, Upper Rhinegraben. 5th international Kimberlite Conference Araxa, Brasil. Extended Abstracts, 217-218.
KELLER J & Seifried C (1991) The present status of obsidian source identification in Anatolia and the Near East.- PACT 25, 57-87.
HUBBERTEN HW, MORCHE, W, WESTALL F, FÜTTERER DK & KELLER J (1991) Geochemical investigations of volcanic ash lahers from southern Atlantic ODP LEGS 113 and 114.In: Ciesielski,PF & Kristoffersen,Y et al. Proc. ODP, Sci. Results 114: 733-749
MORCHE, W, HUBBERTEN H, EHRMANN, WU & KELLER J (1991) Geochemical investigations of volcanic ash layers from ODP LEG 119, Kerguelen Plateau. In: Barron J, Larsen, B et al. Proc. ODP, Sci. Results 119: 323-344.
MORCHE, W, HUBBERTEN H, MACKENSEN, A & KELLER J (1992) Geochemistry of Cenozoic ash layers from the Kerguelen Plateau (Leg 120): A first step toward a tephrostratigraphy in the Southern Indian Ocean. In: Schlich,R., Wiese SW et al. Proc. ODP, Sci. Results 120, 151-160.
SCHLEICHER, H., BAUMANN, A. & KELLER, J.: (1991) Pb isotopic systematics of alkaline volcanic rocks and carbonatites from the Kaiserstuhl, F.R.G. -Chem. Geol. (Isotop. Sect.) 93, 231-243.
SCHLEICHER, H. & KELLER, J.(1991): Isotopengeochemie der Alkaligesteine und Karbonatite des Kaiserstuhls: Aussagen zur Magmengenese und zur isotopischen Zusammensetzung des Erdmantels. Abh. Jahresh. Geol. LA B.-W. 33, 33-57.
Gillot, PY & KELLER J (1991) The evolution of Stromboli on the basis of K/Ar dating Abstract IAVCEI Symposium Napoli ´91: International Conference on Active Volcanoes and Risk Mitigation
KELLER J. (1991) Immanuel Friedlaender 1871-1948: Maecenas, pioneer, and visionaire at the doorstep to modern volcanology. Abstract IAVCEI Symposium Napoli ´91: International Conference on Active Volcanoes and Risk Mitigation
SCHUMACHER, R & KELLER, J. (1991) Chemical characterisation of ignimbrites in Central Anatolia, Turkey EUG Strasbourg 1991, Terra Abstracts 3, 478
Mues, U, KELLER J ,KONONOVA,V, MACHOTKIN, V. and SUDDABY, P. (1991) Geochemical characterization of lamproites and alkaline rocks of the Yakokut-complex, Aldan Shield, E Siberia. Preliminary results. EUG Strasbourg 1991, Terra Abstracts 3, 26
SCHUMACHER, R, KELLER, J. & BAYHAN, H. (1991) Depositional characteristics of ignimbrites in Cappadocia, Central Anatolia, Turkey. IESCA Proceedings. Vol. 2, 435-449. Izmir 1991.
LE BAS, MJ, KELLER, J. Tao Kejie, Wall F, Williams, T. & Zhang Peishan (1992) : Carbonatite dykes at Bayan-Obo, Inner Mongolia, China. Scientia Geologica Sinica 12, 130-138. (in Chinesisch)
LE BAS, MJ, KELLER, J. Tao Kejie, Wall F, Williams, T. & Zhang Peishan (1992) : Carbonatite dykes at Bayan-Obo, Inner Mongolia, China. Mineralogy and Petrology 46: 195-228.
KELLER, J., Jung, D., Eckhardt, F.J., & Kreuzer H. (1992). Radiometric ages and chemical characterization of the Galatean andesite massif, Pontus, Turkey. Marinelli-Volume, Acta Vulcanol. 2, 267-276.
KELLER, J. (1992). Wolfhard Wimmenauer 70 Jahre. Freiburger Universitätsblätter 117, 3. Heft, S. 12.
MANETTI P. & KELLER J. (Editors) 1993:THE ISLAND OF STROMBOLI: Volcanic history and magmatic evolution. ACTA VULCANOLOGICA no. 3, 187p (with Geological Map 1:10.000) .
Gillot, PY & KELLER J (1993) Radiochronology of Stromboli on the basis of K/Ar dating In: Manetti, P. & KELLER J. (Editors): "The island of Stromboli: Volcanic history and magmatic evolution Acta Vulcanol. 3, 69-77.
HORNIG-Kjarsgaard, I., KELLER, J., KOBERSKI, U., STADLBAUER, E. , Francalanci, L. & LENHART, R., (1993): The Evolution of Stromboli Volcano.- In: Manetti, P. & KELLER J. (Editors):The island of Stromboli: Volcanic history and magmatic evolution", Acta Vulcanol. 3, 21-68.
Francalanci, L., MANETTI, P., Peccerillo, A. & KELLER, J.(1993): Magmatological Evolution of the Stromboli Volcano (Aeolian Arc, Italy): inferences from major and trace element and Sr isotopic composition of lavas and pyroclastic rocks.- In: Manetti, P. & KELLER J. (Editors): "The island of Stromboli: Volcanic history and magmatic evolution", Acta Vulcanol. 3, 21-68.
KELLER, J., HORNIG-Kjarsgaard, I., KOBERSKI, U., STADLBAUER, E. , & LENHART, R., (1993): Geological Map of Stromboli 1:10.000. In: Manetti, P. & KELLER J. (Editors): "The island of Stromboli: Volcanic history and magmatic evolution", Acta Vulcanol. 3, Appendix.
KONONOVA, V., KELLER, J & PERVOV I. (1993) Continental basaltic volcanism and geodynamic evolution of the Baikal-Mongolian region. Petrology 1, 128-142, Moskau
KONONOVA, V., KELLER, J & PERVOV I. (1993) Continental basaltic volcanism and geodynamic evolution of the Baikal-Mongolian region. (russ., engl. abstract). In: Bogatikov, OA, Seck, HA & Lippolt, HJ edts. "Rift and fold belt magmatism". p.234-264. Academia NAUCK of Russia, Moskow.
KELLER, J. & Morche, W. 1993. Exceptional explosivity of Upper Quaternary andesitic volcanism of Salina, Aeolian Islands: dynamics of fall, surge and blast events. Abstracts IAVCEI General Assembly Canberra 1993, p.57.
Sigmund, J. & KELLER, J. 1993. Upper Mantle provenance of diatremes in the Kaiserstuhl, Germany. Abstracts IAVCEI General Assembly Canberra 1993, p.100.
Krafft, Maurice. 1993. Vulkane, Feuer der Erde. Dt. Textfassung und wiss. Bearbeitung Jörg KELLER, Otto Maier Verlag, Ravensburg.223S.
KELLER, J., Djerbashian, R., Pernicka, E., Karapetian, S. & Nasedkin,.V. 1994. Armenian obsidian occurrences as sources for the Neolithic trade: volcanological setting and chemical characteristics. Archeometry 94. Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Archaeometry, Ankara 1994.
Pernicka, E., KELLER, J., Rapp, G. Jr., Ercan, T. 1994. Provenance of Late Neolithic and Early Bronze age obsidian artefacts from the Troad. Archaeometry 94. Proceedings of the 29th Int. Symposium on Aechaeometry, Ankara 1994.
KELLER, J., Bigazzi, G. & Pernicka, E. 1994. The Galata-X obsidian source. for the Neolithic trade: volcanological setting and chemical characteristics. .Archaeometry 94. Proceedings of the 29th Int. Symposium on Aechaeometry, Ankara 1994.
Sigmund, J. & KELLER, J. 1994. Amphibole and garnet bearing mantle xenoliths in the Kaiserstuhl, Germany: relation to diatreme and carbonatite. VM Goldschmidt Conference 1994 Edinburgh. Min. Mag. 58A. 840-841
KELLER, J., Satir, M. & Pernicka, E. 1994. Isotope (Sr, Nd, O) and trace element systematics and regional variation in a suite of rhyolitic obsidians from Anatolia and surrounding ares. Abstracts, IAVCEI 1994, Ankara Turkey.
KELLER, J., Satir, M. & Taylor, SR. 1994. The Konya calc-alkaline suite in Central Anatolia: petrology, geochemistry and isotopic signature of a continental andesite province. Abstracts, IAVCEI 1994, Ankara Turkey.
Mues-ScHumacher, U., KELLER J. & KONONOVA, V.A. 1994 Characteriics of lamproitic rocks of the Yakokut-complex, Aldan Shield (Russia). Abstracts, IAVCEI 1994, Ankara Turkey.
KONONOVA, V., Mues-ScHumacher, U., KELLER, J., PERVOV I. & BOgatikov, O. 1994. Paleogeodynamic regime and origin of the potassic rocks, Central Aldan. Abstracts, IAVCEI 1994, Ankara Turkey.
Jarick, J., Brey, G., Raczek, I, KELLER, J. 1994. Isotopenchemische und mineralchemische Untersuchungen an tertiären Vulkaniten des Hegau. Beihefte Eur. J. Min. 6, 128.
Toprak, V., Keller, J. & Schumacher, R. 1994. Volcano-tectonic features of the Cappadocian volcanic province. Excursion Guide IAVCEI International Volcanological Congress, Ankara 1994. 58pp. ISBN 975-429-069-5.
Bell K & J KELLER (eds) 1995. CARBONATITE VOLCANISM: Oldoinyo Lengai and the petrogenesis of natrocarbonatites IAVCEI Proceedings in Volcanology, Springer.209pp.
KELLER J. & Hoefs J. 1995. Stable isotope characteristics of natrocarbonatites from Oldoinyo Lengai. In: CARBONATITE VOLCANISM: Oldoinyo Lengai and the petrogenesis of natrocarbonatites (Bell K & J KELLER (eds) IAVCEI Proceedings in Volcanology. 113-123.
KELLER J. & Spettel, B. 1995. Trace element composition and petrogenesis of natrocarbonatites. In: CARBONATITE VOLCANISM: Oldoinyo Lengai and the petrogenesis of natrocarbonatites (Bell K & J KELLER (eds) IAVCEI Proceedings in Volcanology. 70-86.
Koberski U & KELLER J. 1995. Cathodoluminescence observations in natro-carbonatites and related peralkaline nephelinites at Oldoinyo Lengai. In: CARBONATITE VOLCANISM: Oldoinyo Lengai and the petrogenesis of natrocarbonatites (Bell K & J KELLER (eds) IAVCEI Proceedings in Volcanology. 87-99.
DAWSON, JB, KELLER,J, & NYAMWERU, C. 1995. Historic and recent eruptive activity of Oldoinyo Lengai. In: CARBONATITE VOLCANISM: Oldoinyo Lengai and the petrogenesis of natrocarbonatites (Bell K & J KELLER (eds) IAVCEI Proceedings in Volcanology. 4-22.
KELLER, J., Djerbashian, R., Pernicka, E., Karapetian, S. & Nasedkin,.V. 1996. Armenian obsidian occurrences as sources for the Neolithic trade: volcanological setting and chemical characteristics. In: Demirci, S., Özer, A.M. & Summers, G.D. (eds): Archaeometry 94, The proceedings of the 29th Int. Symp. on Aechaeometry, 69-86, Tübitak Ankara.
Pernicka, E., KELLER, J., Rapp, G. Jr., Ercan, T. 1996. Provenance of Late Neolithic and Early Bronze age obsidian artefacts from the Troad. In: Demirci, S., Özer, A.M. & Summers, G.D. (eds): Archaeometry 94, The proceedings of the 29th Int. Symp. on Aechaeometry, 515-519, Tübitak Ankara.
KELLER, J., Bigazzi, G. & Pernicka, E. 1996. The Galata-X obsidian source: A combined major-element, trace-element and fission-track characterisation of an unknown obsidian source in northwestern Anatolia. In: Demirci, S., Özer, A.M. & Summers, G.D. (eds): Archaeometry 94, The proceedings of the 29th Int. Symp. on Aechaeometry, 543-541, Tübitak Ankara.
Ramirez-Fernandez, J.A. & KELLER, J. 1995. Eastern Mexican Alkaline Province (EMAP): The Sierra de Tamaulipas. EUG 8 Strasbourg 1995. Abstracts.
Westphal, M. & KELLER, J. 1995. A volcanological analysis of a late Paleozoic rhyolite in the southern Black Forest (Münstertal Ignimbrite. EUG 8 Strasbourg 1995. Abstracts.
Kamdem, J.B. & KELLER, J. 1995. Anorogenic magmatism in Cameroon: Petrology and geochemistry of the ring complex Hossere Nigo. EUG 8 Strasbourg 1995. Abstracts.
Tchomgouo, F. & KELLER, J. 1995. Geochemistry and sequence of ignimbrites in the Bambouto Mountains (Cameroun Line). EUG 8 Strasbourg 1995. Abstracts.
Kalt, A., Hegner, E., KELLER, J. & Satir, M. 1995. Nd and Sr isotopic compositions of carbonatites from East Africa: deviation from the East African Carbonatite Line. Abstract Conference of the African Geological Society. Nairobi, Oct. 95.
KELLER, J.1995. Geochemistry and petrogenesis of natrocarbonatites from Oldoinyo Lengai Abstract Special Symposium IGCP 314 Conference of the African Geological Society. Nairobi, Oct. 95.
Jarick, J., Brey, G., KELLER, J. 1995. Petrogenese des Hegau-Vulkanfeldes - "Open System Behavior", polybare Differentiation und Magmenmischung. Eur. J. Min. 7, Beihefte 1, 117.
Kraml, M., KELLER, J. & Henjes-Kunst, F. 1995. New K/Ar, 40Ar-39Ar step-heating and 40Ar-39Ar laser fusion dates for the Kaiserstuhl volcanic complex (Upper Rhinegraben, Germany). Eur. J. Min. 7, Beihefte 1, 143.
KELLER J., Williams, C.T. & Koberski, U. 1995. Niocalite and wöhlerite from the alkaline and carbonatitic rocks at Kaiserstuhl, Germany. Min. Mag. 59, 561-566.
MUES-SCHUMACHER, U:, KELLER, J., KONONOVA, V., SUDDABY, P. 1995. Petrology and age determinations of the ultramafic (lamproitic) rocks from the Yakokut comlex, Aldan Shield, Eastern Sibiria. Min. Mag. 59, 409-428.
KONONOVA; V.A., PERVOV, V.A., BOGATIKOV, O.A., MUES-SCHUMACHER, U., KELLER; J. 1995. Mesozoic Potassium-Rich Magmatism of the Central Aldan: Geodynamics and Genesis. Geotektonikha 3, 35-45 (in Russian).
KELLER, J. & MICHEL, G. 1995. Timing and mechanisms of generation, evolution, ascent and eruption of magma at Merapi. MerapiDecade Volcano Workshop Volc. Surv. Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Oct. 1995, Abstract Volume.
Kraml, M., KELLER, J. & Henjes-Kunst, F. 1996. Spot fusion and incremental heating of single crystals from Kaiserstuhl volcanic rocks with the BGR 40Ar/39Ar laser probe. Goldschmidt-Conference J. Conf. Abstracts 1, 332.
PATTERSON, R., WILSON, M. & KELLER, J. 1996. The temporal evolution of the European asthenospheric reservoir: Trace element and Sr-Nd isotopic constraints from the Upper Rhinegraben, Germany. Goldschmidt-Conference J. Conf. Abstracts 1, 448.
MUES-SCHUMACHER, U:, KELLER, J., KONONOVA, V., SUDDABY, P. 1996. Mineral chemistry and geochronology of the potassic alkaline ultramafic Inagli comlex, Aldan Shield, Eastern Sibiria. Min. Mag. 60, 711-730.
KELLER, J. 1996. Pumice deposits of the Thera evolution on Aegean Islands around Santorini. Abstract Workshop European Laboratory Volcanoes, Thera, May 1996
KELLER, J. KRAML, M. & SCHELD, A. 1996. Late Quaternary tephrochronological correlation between deep sea sediments and the land record in the central Mediterranean". Abstracts. 30th Int. Geol. Congr. Beijing 1996. Abstract Nr. 15-1-27, Abstract Volume 3, p. 204
KELLER, J. 1996. The 726 AD Eruption of Santorini within the petrological evolution of the Kameni Islands. Abstract Workshop European Laboratory Volcanoes, Thera, May 1996
KELLER, J. 1996. Significance of Recent Explosive Activity at Santorini (Minoan and Post-Minoan) to Hazard Assessment.
European Commission DG XII: Santorini Volcano Laboratory, Final Report Contract EV5V-CT93-0285 Environment, Natural Hazards. Vol.1.
RAMIREZ-Fernandez, J.A. & KELLER, J. 1997. The Sierra de Tamaulipas in NE-Mexico: transition from subduction related to intraplate Tertiary magmatism including carbonatites. IAVCEI Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Abstracts p.138.
GERTISSER, R., KELLER J. 1997: Origin and evolution of the calc-alkaline volcanic suite of Salina (Aeolian Islands, Southern Tyrrhenian Sea). EUG 97, Terra Nova 9, Abstract Supplement 1, 474
KELLER, J., SIGMUND, J., MÜLLER-SIGMUND, H. & CZIRJAK A. 1997: Mantle xenoliths in Rhinegraben volcanics from the Black Forest-Vosges Dome. EUG 97, Terra Nova 9, Abstract Supplement 1, 56
Kraml, M., Keller, J., Wijbrans, J.R. 1996: sediments from the Ionian Sea (Eastern Mediterranean) First 40Ar/39Ar laser fusion dates dates for upper Quaternary deep-sea tephra layers of the Ionian Sea (Central Mediterranean). 74. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft Kiel, September 1996, Abstracts.
KRAML, M., KELLER, J. 1997: Dating of Upper Quaternary deep-sea sediments from the Ionian Sea (Eastern Mediterranean) with laser 40Ar/39Ar analyses on prominent tephra layers. EUG 97, Terra Nova 9, Abstract Supplement 1, 406
NEGRI, A., CAPOTONDI, L., KELLER, J., KRAML, M., SCHELD, A., SALIEGE, J.F. 1997: Paleoceanographic interpretation of microfossil assemblages in sapropels in the Ionian Sea (METEOR cruise M25/4). EUG 97, Terra Nova 9, Abstract Supplement 1, 402
SCHMIEDL, G., SEGL, M., HEMLEBEN, C. & KELLER, J. 1997: Impact of environmental changes on the benthic foraminiferal fauna in the Ionian Sea during the last 300.000 years. EUG 97, Terra Nova 9, Abstract Supplement 1, 410
RAGNARSDOTTIR, V., KELLER, J. 1997: Trace element transport in fluids exolved from carbonatites: Study of the Kaiserstuhl Volcano, Germany. EUG 97, Terra Nova 9, Abstract Supplement 1, 430
ZIBETTI, E., KELLER, J. 1997: Contribution of the evolution of the Caldera del Piano (Vulcano, Aeolian Islands): Eruptive history and emplacement mechanisms of the Molineddu pyroclastic unit. EUG 97, Terra Nova 9, Abstract Supplement 1, 476
KELLER,J 1997 Bergalite-Okaite-Turjaite: The carbonatite - melilitite connection GAC/MAC (Geol. Ass./Mineral. Ass. Canada) Annual Meeting Ottawa 1997. Abstracts, A77.
KELLER, J. (1994): Tephrochronology in the Ionian deep sea basin. In: HIEKE, W., HALBACH, P., TÜRKAY, M. & WEIKERT, T. Mittelmeer 1993, Cruise No. 25 METEOR-Berichte 94-3, 165-167.
MORCHE, W., NUÑEZ, J., FIDEL, S., KELLER, J. (1997): Evolucion geologica del volcan Sara Sara. IX Congreso Peruano de Geología. Resúmenes Exstendidos. Sociedad Geológica del Perú, Lima, 1, 479-484.
Pernicka, E., KELLER, J., & CAUVIN, M.-C. 1997. Obsidian of Anatolian sources in the Neolithic of the Middle Euphrates region (Syria). Paléorient, 23/1, 113-122 CNRS.
GERTISSER, R. and KELLER, J. 1998. Tephra-Fall Deposits From Merapi Volcano, Central Java, Indonesia. IAVCEI Symposium Cape Town 1998.
GERTISSER, R. and KELLER, J. Isotopic and Geochemical variations in the calc-alkaline basalt to dacite suite of Salina (Aeolian Islands, Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy.-EUG 10 Strasbourg (France) 1999 Terra Nova 10 Abstract Supplement 1:
KELLER, J. Geochemistry of Primary Magmas in the Rhinegraben Carbonatite Province. IAVCEI Symposium Cape Town 1998
GERTISSER, R. & KELLER, J. (1998): Merapi Decade Volcano: pyroclastic stratigraphy and chronology of 'New Merapi'.- Abstracts, Geo-Berlin '98, Terra Nostra, 98/3
KELLER, J. Primary Magmas in the Rift Vallley Volcanism of the Upper Rhinegraben Province. EUG 10 Strasbourg (France) 1999 Terra Nova 10 Abstract Supplement 1:
KELLER, J., KRAML, M. , HENJES-KUNST, F. & HÖHNDORF,A. 1998.-Tephrochronologische Korrelation der Kerne von ODP Leg 160 zwischen Sizilien und Zypern für die letzten 300 Ka. ODP-Kolloquium 1998, 4.-6. März, Freiburg i. Br., Abstract Volume: 32-33
KRAML, M., KELLER, J., & HENJES-KUNST, F. (1998): Tephrochronologische Zeitmarken für jung-quartäre Sedimente des Mittelmeeres.- Abstract Geo-Berlin ’98, Terra Nostra, 98/3: P96
KRAML, M., KELLER, J., & HENJES-KUNST, F. (1999): Time constraints for the Carbonatitic Intrusions of the Kaiserstuhl Volcanic Complex, Upper Rhinegraben, Germany- EUG 10 Strasbourg (France) 1999 Terra Nova 10 Abstract Supplement 1:
NEGRI, A., CAPOTONDI, L. & KELLER, J. (1999): Calcareous nannofossils and planctonic foraminifera and oxygene isotopes in the late Quaternary sapropels of the Ionian Sea.- Marine Geol. 157, 89-103
OBERHÄNSLI, H., BRANDT, U., BRAUER, A., HUBBERTEN, H., KRAML, M., KELLER, J., MACKENSEN, A., MINGRAM, J., NEGENDANK, J., NOWACZYK, N.R., SCHETTLER, G., WULF, S. & ZOLITSCHKA, B. (1998): Paleoclimatic signals of the last 100 ky: A comparison of results from Lago Grande di Monticchio and METEOR core ME 25/4-11 (N slope of the Ionian Basin).- Terra Nostra, 6: 103-108
SCHMIEDL, G., HEMLEBEN, C., SEGL, M., & KELLER, J. 1998: Impact of environmental changes on the benthic foraminiferal fauna in the Ionian Sea during the last 330.000 years. Paleoceanography 13, 447-458.
SCHWARZ, M., KRAML, M. & KELLER, J. (1999): Tephrochronology of METEOR M40/4 Cores in the Eastern Mediterranean.- EUG 10 Strasbourg (France) 1999 Terra Nova 10 Abstract Supplement 1: J. Conf. Abs. 4: 178-179
WULF, S., NEGENDANK, J.F.W., MINGRAM, J., ZOLITSCHKA, B., KRAML, M. & KELLER, J. (1999): Detailed history of the Italian explosive volcanism as documented within a 110 ka sediment record of Lago Grande di Monticchio (Mt. Vulture, southern Italy).- EUG 10 Strasbourg (France) 1999 Terra Nova 10 Abstract Supplement 1:
NOWACZY. K., N.R., BRANDT, U., OBERHÄNSLI, H., KELLER, J. & KRAML, M. (1999): A high-resolution rock magnetic study of sediments from the Ionian Sea.- Geophysical Research Abstracts 1(1): 130
GERTISSER, R. & KELLER, J. (1999): The Holocene volcanic activity and magmatic evolution of Merapi volcano, Central Java: constraints from stratigraphic, chronologic and geochemical data.- Mitteilungen der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft Sonderband III/1998, 15-19.
ALLEN, J.R.M., BRANDT, U., BRAUER, A., HUBBERTEN, H., HUNTLEY, B., KELLER, J., KRAML, M., MINGRAM, J., NEGENDANK, J.F.W., NOWACZYK, N.R., OBERHÄNSLI, H., WATTS, W.A., WULF, S. & ZOLITSCHKA, B. (1999): Rapid environmental changes in southern Europe during the last glacial period- Nature 400, 740-743
ALLEN, S.R., STADLBAUER, E. & KELLER, J. (1999). Stratigraphy of the Kos Plateau Tuff: product of a major Quaternary explosive rhyolite eruption in the eastern Aegean, Greece. Int. Journ Earth Sciences (Geol. Rdschau), 88, 132-156
GERTISSER, R. & KELLER, J. (1999): Trace element and isotope geochemistry of high-K Calc-alkaline volcanic rocks from Merapi volcano, Central Java, Indonesia. IUGG General Assembly Birmingham, Abstract Volume
ALLEN, S.R., J. KELLER, J., J. VAREKAMP, J. MCPHIE, G. VOUGIOUKALAKIS, R. CAS (1999). Field Guide: Kos, Yali, Nisyros. IUGG General Assembly Birmingham - IAVCEI Commission on Explosive Volcanism Field Guide 96pp.
GERTISSER, R. and KELLER, J. 2000. From basalt to dacite: Origin and evolution of the calc-alkaline series of Salina, Aeolian Arc, Italy.-Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 139, 607-626
KELLER, J. (2000) Welded carbonatite: a new type and new occurrence of extrusive carbonatite from the Kaiserstuhl. Abstract Carbonatite 2000, St. Etienne, France.
KELLER, J., KRAML, M. & SCHWARZ, M. (2000) Dating Major Volcanic Paroxysms Within The Deep-Sea Record: The Example Of The Thera Formation, Santorini, Greece. IAVCEI General Assembly Bali 2000, Abstract Volume p.16
GERTISSER, R. & KELLER, J. (2000): Distribution, thickness, volume and age of pumiceous tephra-fall deposits from major explosive eruptions of Merapi volcano, Central Java, Indoneasia: constraints from stratigraphic, chronologic and geochemical data.- Mitteilungen der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft Sonderband IV/2000, 1-6.
GERTISSER, R. & KELLER, J. (2000): The geochemical evolution of Merapi volcano (Central Java): Medium-K and High-K associations. IAVCEI General Assembly Bali 2000, Abstract Volume p.150.
GERTISSER, R. & KELLER, J. (2000): Chronology and dispersial characteristics of tephra erupted from Merapi volcano, Central Java: Implications for long-term eruption forecasting. IAVCEI General Assembly Bali 2000, Abstract Volume p.141.
Ramirez-Fernandez, J.A., KELLER, J. & HUBBERTEN, H. 2000. Relaciones geneticas entre las carbonatitas y las rocas nefeliniticas del complejo El Picacho. Sierra de Tamaulipas, NE del Mexico. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geologicas, 17, 45-65
Panina L.I., Sharygin, V. V. & Keller, J. 2000. Olivine nephelinite, tephrite, essexite, phonolite, and tinguaite from Kaiserstuhl, Germany: Evicence from melt inclusions. Geochemistry International 38, 343-352 (translated from Geokhimiya).
KELLER, J. 2001. Excursion Guide: ESF EUROCARB Kaiserstuhl Carbonatite Workshop, Breisach 6.-8.4 2001, 29pp.
KELLER, J. 2001. Transport of mantle carbon to the crust and surface by carbonatitic magmatism. Abstract. EUG XI Strasbourg (France) 2001
KRAML, M., KAMDEM, J.B., KELLER, J. & HENJES-KUNST, F. (2001): Time Constraints for Cameroon Line Magmatism from Single Crystal Laser 40Ar/39Ar Dating of the Hossere Nigo Anorogenic Plutonic Complex.- EUG XI Strasbourg (France) 2001
KRAML, M., PIK, R., RAHN, M.K. & KELLER, J. (2001): A new potential age standard for Ar/Ar, FT and (U-Th)/He dating: the Limberg t3 tuff.- Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral. Vol. 13, No.1: 102
WULF, S., KUHN, T, KRAML, M., SCHWARZ, M., INTHORN, M., KELLER, J. & HALBACH, P. (2001) New occurrence of the Y-2 Tephra (Cape Riva Eruption, Santorini) in sediments of the Sea of Marmara.- 2001 AGU Fall meeting, submitted
GERTISSER, R. & KELLER, J. (2001) Eruptive history and magmatic evolution of Merapi Volcano (Java, Indonesia): inferences from new radiocarbon age determinations and geochemical and isotopic composition of lavas and pyroclastic rocks. Journées Scientifiques: Volcanism and Natural Hazards in the Indonesian Archipelago. Results and Perspectives, 5.-6.12.2001, Clermont-Ferrand, France, pp.77-80.
ALLEN, J.R.M., BRANDT, U., BRAUER, A., HUBBERTEN, H., HUNTLEY, B., KELLER, J., KRAML, M., MINGRAM, J., NEGENDANK, J.F.W., NOWACZYK, N.R., OBERHÄNSLI, H., WATTS, W.A., WULF, S. & ZOLITSCHKA, B. (2001): One hundred thousend years of environmental change – New high-resolution evidence from mediterranean lacustrine and marine sediments. Biology and the Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Vol. 101B, no. 1-2157-158.
KAMDEM, J.B., KRAML, M., KELLER, J. & HENJES-KUNST, F. (2002): The beginning of Cameroon line magmatism: Conventional K/Ar and single-crystal laser 40Ar/39Ar ages of rocks and minerals from the Hossere Nigo anorogenic complex, Cameroon.- Journal of African Earth Sciences 35, 99-106
KELLER, J., KRAML, M. & HENJES-KUNST, F. (2002): 40Ar/39Ar ages of early volcanism in the Upper Rhine Graben, Germany, and its tectonic implications.- Schweiz. Mineral.Petrogr. Mitt. 82, 121-130
KELLER, J.: (2002) Cone collapses, flank stability and hazard at Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania. Abstracts
IAVCEI International Congress Montagne Pelée 1902-2002.
GERTISSER, R. & KELLER, J. (2002). Melt volatile content and magma degassing at Merapi Volcano, Central Java, Indonesia. Abstracts IAVCEI International Congress Montagne Pelée 1902-2002.
LE MAITRE,R.W. (ed.), STRECKEISEN,A.,ZANETTIN,B. LE BAS,M.J., BONIN, B. BATEMAN,P., BELLIENI, G., DUDEK,A., EFREMOVA, J., KELLER,J., LAMEYRE, P., SABINE,P.A., SCHMID,R., SOERENSEN,H., WOOLLEY,A.R. (2002) Igneous Rocks. A classification and glossary of terms. Recommendations of the IUGS Subcomission on the Systematics of Igneous Rocks. Cambridge University Press 236p (Second Edition).
LINK, K. , KRAML, M. , RAHN, M. & KELLER, J. 2002. Early magmatism of the Upper Rhine Graben area: Age constraints from two independent chronometers. Geotemas 4, 111-112 (Intern. Workshop on Fission Track Analysis, Cadiz 2002).
KELLER, J. & ZAITSEV, A. 2002. Calciocarbonatite dykes at Oldoinyo Lengai. Eurocarb Workshop Italy 7th-10th June 2002. Abstracts, p.46
SOLOVOVA, I. GIRNIS, A.V., RASS, I.T., KELLER, J. & KONONKOVA, N.N. 2002. Silicate melts associated with carbonatites and silicate igneous rocks: Melt inclusion studies. Eurocarb Workshop Italy 7th-10th June 2002. Abstracts, 64-65.
KELLER, J. & ZAITSEV, A. 2002 Geochemistry, Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes and the petrogenesis of olivine melilitites at Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania. Berichte der DMG Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral. Vol. 14, No.1: 81
WULF, S., KRAML, M., KUHN, T., SCHWARZ, M., INTHORN, M., KELLER, J., KUSCU, I. & HALBACH, P. (2001): Marine tephra from the Cape Riva Eruption (22 ka) of Santorini in the Sea of Marmara.- Marine Geology 183, 131-141.
KELLER, J. 2002. Lipari's firy past- dating the Medieval pumice eruption of Monte Pelato. UNESCO Regione Siciliana International Conference "The Fire between Air and water: Volcanic islands in Science and Myth. Preservation and improvement" Lipari 29. Sept./2 October 2002, Abstracts.
GERTISSER, R. & KELLER, J. (2003): Temporal variations in magma compositions at Merapi volcano (Central Java, Indonesia): Magmatic cycles during the last 2000 years of explosive activity. Journ. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 123, 1-23.
GERTISSER, R. & KELLER, J. (2003): Trace-element and Sr, Nd, Pb and O isotope variations in medium-K and high-K volcanic rocks from Merapi Volcano,Central Java, Indonesia: evidence for the involvement of subductedsediments in Sunda Arc magma genesis. J. Petrol. 44, 457-489.
KELLER, J. & ZAITSEV, A. N. (2003) Natrocarbonatite dykes at Oldoinyo Lengai transformed to calciocarbonatites. Periodico di Mineralogia 72, 125-126.
Solovova, I.P., Girnis, A. V., Rass, I.T., Keller J. & Kononkova, N.N. (2003) Different styles of evolution of CO2-rich alkaline magmas: the role of melt composition in carbonate-silicate liquid immiscibility. Periodico di Mineralogia 72, 87-93.
Keller, J. & Klaudius, J. 2003 Volcanic Hazard Assessment at Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania: Probability and possible extent of Major Explosive Events as deduced from 2000yrs of documented evolution. Abstract IUGG General Assembly, Sapporo 2003.
Lucchi, F., Tranne, C.A., Calanchi, N., Keller, J., Rossi, P.L., 2003. Geological map of Panarea and minor islets (Aeolian Islands). University of Bologna, University of Freiburg and INGV, L.A.C., Firenze.
Vespa, M. & Keller. J. (2003). Interplinian explosive activity of Santorini Volcano (Greece) during the past ~100,000 years. Abstracts SAAVA Conference Milos, Greece, Sept. 2003..
WULF, S., KRAML, M. BRAUER, A. & KELLER, J. & NEGENDANK (2004): Tephrochronology of the 100 ka lacustrine sediment record of Lago Grande di Monticchio (southern Italy). Quaternary International 122, 7-30.
Keller, J. & Kraml, M. 2004. Tephrochronological archives for known and unknown paroxysms in Italian explosive volcanism of the upper Quaternary. IAVCEI General Assembly Nov. 2004, Pucón, Chile.
Klaudius, J. & Keller, J. 2004. Quaternary debris avalanche deposits at Oldoinyo Lengai (Tanzania). IAVCEI General Assembly Nov. 2004, Pucón, Chile.
Keller, J. & Klaudius, J. 2004. The carbonatite volcano Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania: Petrogenetic evolution and significance of natrocarbonatites. 32 IGC International Geological Congress Florence 2004
KLAUDIUS, J. & KELLER, J. 2005. Natrocarbonatitic activity in the north crater of Oldoinyo Lengai (Tanzania). Workshop PERALK Tübingen 04.-06.03.05, Extended Abstracts p. 44.
KELLER, J. (2005). Evolution of Peralkalinity at Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania.
Workshop PERALK Tübingen (invited), Extended Abstracts 41-43.
ZAITSEV, A.N.& KELLER, J. (2005) Calcite carbonatites from Oldoinyo Lengai - magmatic or subsolidus? A continuation of the Dawson - Harmer-Gittins discussion. Workshop PERALK Tübingen (invted), Extended Abstracts 123-125.
Gertisser, R., Chadwick , J. P., Condomines, M., Handley, H.K., Keller, J., Kelley, S. P. & Troll, V. R. 2006. Volcanic hazards at Merapi, Central Java, Indonesia: inferences from the volcano’s past history. Abstract Cities on Volcanoes 4, Quito, Ecuador, 2006
Keller, J. & Klaudius, J. 2006. Historical Activity and Volcanic Hazard at Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania. Abstract Cities on Volcanoes 4, Quito, Ecuador 2006
Halama, R., McDonough, W.F., Rudnick, Roberta L., Ash, R.D., Keller, J., Klaudius, J. & Trumbull, R. Lithium concentrations and Li isotopic compositions of carbonatitic complexes. Abstract AGU 2005.
Gertisser, R., Condomines, M., Keller, J., Kelley, S. P &. Thomas, L. Chronology of Merapi Volcano, Central Java, Indonesia. Abstract Volcanic and Magmatic Study Group Meeting, Leeds 2006.
TICHOMIROWA M., GROSCHE, G., GÖTZE, J., BELYATSKI, B.V., SAVVA, E.V., KELLER, J. & TODT, W. 2006. The mineral isotope composition of two Precambrian carbonatite complexes from the Kola Alkaline Province – Alteration versus primary magmatic signatures. Lithos 91, 229-249.
KELLER, J., ZAITSEV, A. N. & WIEDENMANN, D. 2006. Primary magmas at Oldoinyo Lengai: The Role of Olivine Melilitites Lithos 91, 150-172
KELLER, J. & ZAITSEV, A. N. (2006). Calciocarbonatite Dykes at Oldoinyo Lengai: The Fate of Natrocarbonatite. Canadian Mineralogist 44, 857-876.
ZAITSEV, A.N.& KELLER, J. 2006. Mineralogical and chemical transformation of Oldoinyo Lengai natrocarbonatites, Tanzania. Lithos 91, 191-207.
KLAUDIUS, J. & KELLER, J. 2006. Peralkaline silicate lavas at Oldoinyo Lengai (Tanzania). Lithos 91, 173-190.
KRAML, M., PIK, R., RAHN, M., SELBECK, R., CARINNAN, J. & KELLER, J. (2006): A new multi-mineral age reference material for 40Ar/39Ar, (U-Th)/He and FT dating methods: the Limberg t3 tuff. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 30, 73-86.
VESPA, M., KELLER. J. & GERTISSER, R. (2006). The Interplinian explosive activity of Santorini Volcano (Greece) during the past 150,000 years. JVGR 153, 262-286.
Klaudius, J. & Keller, J. 2006. Oldoinyo Lengai (Tanzania). Berichte der DMG Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral. Vol. 14, No.1: 81
Keller, J. (2006). The Ionian Sea as tephrochronological archive for major paroxysms in Italian explosive volcanism of the upper Quaternary. Workshop CNR-AIQUA Tefrostratigrafia del Quaternario recente italiano tra vulcanologia e scienze del Quaternario, Roma 21-23 June 2006. Invited Paper.
Kervyn M., Klaudius J., Keller J., Mbede E., Jacobs P. & Ernst G.G.J. 2007. Debris avalanches at Oldoinyo Lengai (Tanzania): morphological evidence, collapse mechanisms and hazard assessment. Abstract VSMG Winter Meeting, Oxford 2007.
HALAMA, R., McDONOUGH, W.F., RUDNICK, R. L., KELLER, J., & KLAUDIUS, J. 2007. The Li isotopic composition of Oldoinyo Lengai: Nature of the mantle sources and lack of isotopic fractionation during carbonatite petrogenesis. ESPL, 254, 77-89
Kervyn M., Klaudius J., Keller J., Mbede E., Jacobs P. & Ernst G.G.J. 2007. Debris avalanches at Oldoinyo Lengai (Tanzania): morphological evidence, collapse mechanisms and hazard assessment. Abstract VSMG Winter Meeting, Oxford 2007.
Lucchi, F., Tranne, C.A., Calanchi, N., Keller, J., Rossi, P.L. Geological map of Panarea and minor islets (Aeolian Islands). University of Bologna, University of Freiburg and INGV, L.A.C., Firenze.
Keller, J., Lutz, K., Seibold, E. & Seibold, I. 2007. 50 Jahre Freiburger Geologenarchiv - Ein facettenreicher Bericht aus dem Bestand ( Max Blanckenhorn). Nachrichtenblatt zur Geschichte der Geowissenschaften 17, 13-22.
Lucchi, F., Tranne, C.A., Calanchi, N., Rossi, P.L. & Keller, J. 2007. The stratigraphic role of marine deposits in the geological evolution of the Panarea volcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy). Journal of the Geological Society of London, 164, 983-996.
Bruins, H. J., MacGillivray, J.A., Synolakis, C., Benjamini, Ch., Keller, J., Kisch, H. J., Klügel, A. & van der Plicht, J. 2008. Geoarcheological tsunami deposits at Palaikastro (Crete) and the Late Minoan IA eruption of Santorini. Journal of Archeological Sciences (JAS) 35, 191-212.
Wulf, S., Kraml, M. & Keller, J. 2008: Towards a detailed distal tephrostratigraphy in the Central Mediterranean: The last 20 kyrs record of Lago Grande di Monticchio. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 177, 118-132.
Lucchi, F., Tranne, C.A., De Astis, G., Keller, J., Losito, R. & Morche, W. 2008. Stratigraphy and significance of the Brown Tuff deposits at the Aeolian Islands (southern Italy). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 177, 49-70.
Keller, J., Pernicka, E. & Kasper, K. 2008. Neolithic Ashkelon: Obsidian and pumice findings and their provenance. In: Yosef Garfinkel and Doron Dag: Neolithic Ashkelon. Qedem, Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 47, 271-278.
Preece, K., Gertisser, R. and Keller, J. 2008. The Lower Pumice 2 Eruption, Santorini, Greece. Abstract VMSG Meeting 2008
Keller, J., Zaitsev, A.. & Klaudius, J. 2007. Geochemistry and petrogenetic significance of natrocarbonatites at Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania. Abstract Goldschmidt Conference Köln 2007.
Ernst G.G.J., Klaudius J. , Kervyn M., Keller, J., Mbede E., Kervyn F. Mattson H., Kelfoun, K., Jacobs P. and Belton, F. 2007. Research and Monitoring at Oldoynio Lengai Volcano, N Tanzania: Review of Recent Advances. Abstract 26th ECGS Workshop AVCOR, Luxembourg 19-21 November 2007
Keller, J., Klaudius, J. & Zaitsev, A. 2007. Petrogenetic significance of natrocarbonatites at Oldoinyo Lengai: Composition of lavas from 1988 to 2007. Abstract 26th ECGS Workshop AVCOR, Luxembourg 19-21 November 2007
Kervyn M., Vaughan G., Klaudius J., Pradal E., Belton F., Keller J., Jacobs P., Ernst G.G.J. 2008. The 2007-2008 explosive eruptions at Oldoinyo Lengai: Evolution of the activity and insights into the cyclic transition in eruption dynamics. IAVCEI General Assembly Iceland 2008. Abstracts.
Keller, J. & Klaudius, J.2008. Fundamental changes in the activity of the natrocarbonatite volcano Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania: New magma composition with the 4th September 2007 paroxysm. IAVCEI General Assembly Iceland 2008. Abstracts
Kervyn, M., Ernst, G.G.J., Klaudius, J., Keller, J., Kervyn, F., Mattson, H., Belton, F., Mbede, E., Jacobs, P. 2008. Voluminous lava floods at Oldoinyo Lengai in 2006: Chronology of events and insights into the shallow magmatic system. Bulletin of Volcanology, 70, 1069-1086.
Zaitsev, A.N. Keller, J., Spratt, J., Perova E.N., Kearsley, A. 2008. Nyerereite-pirssonite-calcite-shortite relationships in altered natrocarbonatites, Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania. Canadian Mineralogist, 46, 1077-1094, DOI: 103749/canmin.46.4.00
Zaitsev, A.N. Keller, J., Spratt, J., Jeffries, T.E. & Sharigin, V.V. 2008. Chemical composition of nyerereite and gregoryite in natrocarbonatites of Oldoinyo Lengai Volcano, Tanzania. Zapiski RMO (Proceedings of the Russian Mineralogical Society), 137 (4), 101-111. (original russ. version)
Kervyn, M., Klaudius, J., Keller, J., Mbede, E., Jacobs, P. & Ernst, G.G.J. 2008. Remote sensing study of sector collapses and debris-avalanche deposits at Oldoinyo Lengai and Kerimasi volcanoes, Tanzania. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29, 6565-6595.
Keller, J. (with contributions by S. Spürgin and T. Weissenberger): 2008. Tertiary Rhinegraben volcanism: Kaiserstuhl and Hegau. 9th International Kimberlite Conference in Frankfurt /Main, Germany. August 2008. Field Trip Guide 38 pp.
Zaitsev, A.N., Keller, J. and Billström, K. (2009). Isotopic composition of Sr, Nd and Pb in unaltered natrocarbonatite and in pirssonite, shortite and calcite carbonatites from Oldoinyo Lengai volcano, Tanzania. Doklady Earth Sciences, 425, 2, 302-306.
Gertisser, R., Preece, K. & Keller, J. 2009. The Plinian Lower Pumice 2 eruption, Santorini, Greece: Magma evolution and volatile behaviour. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 186, 387-406.
Wiedenmann D. Zaitsev, AN, Britvin, S.N., Krivovichev, S.V. and Keller, J. (2009) Alumoåkermanite, (Ca,Na)2(Al,Mg,Fe2+)(Si2O7), a new mineral from the active carbonatite-nephelinite-phonolite volcano Oldoinyo Lengai, Northern Tanzania. Min. Mag. 73, 373-384.
Zaitsev A.N., Keller J., Jones G., Grassineau N. 2009. Mineralogical and geochemical changes of natrocarbonatites due to fumarolic activity at Oldoinyo Lengai volcano, Tanzania. Abstracts of XXVI International Conference “Geochemistry of Magmatic Rocks / School Geochemistry of Alkaline Rocks”, May 2009, Moscow, 168-169.
Zaitsev, A.N. & Keller, J. (2009): Mineralogy of carbonatites from active Oldoinyo Lengai volcano, Tanzania. Abstracts of V International Symposium "Mineral Diversity, Research and Preservation", October 2009, Sofia, 66.
Wiedenmann, D., Keller, J., Zaitsev, A.N. 2009. Occurrence and compositional variation of high-Na-Al melilites at Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania. Abstracts XXVI International Conference “Geochemistry of Magmatic Rocks / School Geochemistry of Alkaline Rocks”, May 2009, Moscow.
Ghobadi, M., Gerdes, A., Brey, G., Keller, J. 2009. Trace element disribution in perowskite & pyrochlore of Kaiserstuhl sövite carbonatites. Abstract DMG 2009, Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften 31, p. 79.
Zaitsev, A.N., Zaitseva, O.A., Buyko, A.K., Keller, J., Klaudius, J. and Zolotaev, A.A. (2009). Gem-quality yellow-green haüyne from Oldoinyo Lengai volcano, Northern Tanzania. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 45, No.3, 1-5.
Zaitsev, A.N. Keller, J., Spratt, J., Jeffries, T.E. & Sharigin, V.V. 2009. Chemical Composition of Nyerereite and Gregoryite from Natrocarbonatites of Oldoinyo Lengai Volcano, Tanzania, Geology of Ore Deposits, 51- 7, 608–616. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2009, ISSN 1075-7015. Original Russian Text © A.N. Zaitsev published in Zapiski RMO (Proceedings of the Russian Mineralogical Society), 137- 4, 101–111.
Wiedenmann D, Keller J, Zaitsev AN, (2010) Melilite-group minerals at Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania. Lithos, 118, 112-118, doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2010.04.002.
Grapes, R. and Keller, J. (2010) Fe2+-dominant rhönite in undersaturated alkaline basaltic rocks, Kaiserstuhl Volcanic Complex, Upper Rhine Graben, SW Germany. European Journal of Mineralogy 22, 285-292
Keller, J., Klaudius, J., Kervyn, M., Ernst, G., Mattsson, H.B. 2010. Fundamental Changes in the activity of the natrocarbonatite volcano Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania: I. New magma composition during the 200-2008 explosive eruptions. Bulletin of Volcanology 72, 893-912. doi: 10.1007/s00445-010-0371-x
Kervyn, M., Ernst G., Keller J., Vaughan G., Klaudius J., Pradal E., Belton F., Mattsson, H., Mbede, E., Jacobs P. 2010. Fundamental Changes in the activity of the natrocarbonatite volcano Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania: II. Eruptive behaviour during the 2007-2008 explosive eruption. Bulletin of Volcanology 72, 913-931. doi: 10.1007/s00445-010-0360-0
Neukirchen, F., Finkenbein, T. & Keller, J. (2010). The lava sequence of the East African Rift escarpment in the Oldoinyo Lengai - Lake Natron sector, Tanzania. Journal of African Earth Sciences 58, 734-751. doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2010.06.002
Keller, J., Dietrich, V., Reusser, E., Gertisser, R. Aarburg, S. 2010. Recognition of a major ignimbrite in the early evolution of the Santorini Group: The Christiani Ignimbrite crossing the open Aegean Sea. Abstract Cities-on-Volcanoes 6, Tenerife 2010.
Wiedenmann D, Keller J, Zaitsev AN, (2010) Melilite-group minerals at Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania. Abstract Cities-on-Volcanoes 6, Tenerife 2010.
Zolotarev, A.A. Jr., Krivovichev, S.V., Zaitsev, A.N. & Keller J. (2010) Crystal structure of NO3 – bearing haüyne from Oldoinyo Lengai volcano, Northern Tanzania. Abstract IMA Budapest 2010.
Ghobadi, M. Gerdes, A., Brey, G.P., Höfer, H.E. and Keller, J. (2010). In-situ radiogenic isotope analysis and geochronology of accessory phases in alkaline complexes: Kaiserstuhl complex as an example.
Abstract IMA Budapest 2010.
Zaitsev, A.N., Williams, C.T., Britvin, S.N., Kuznetsova, I.V., Spatt, J., Petrov, S.V., Keller, J. (2010). Kerimasite, Ca3Zr2(Fe3+2Si)O12, a new garnet from carbonatites of Kerimasi volcano and surrounding explosion craters, northern Tanzania. Mineralogical Magazine 74(5), 803-820
Gertisser, R., Charbonnier, S. J., Troll, V.R., Keller, J., Preece, K., Chadwick, J.P., Barclay, J. and Herd, R.A. 2011. Merapi (Java, Indonesia): anatomy of a killer volcano. Geology Today 27, 2, March-April 2011
Zaitsev, A.N., Avdontseva, E.Y, Britvin, S.N., Demény, A., Homonnay, Z., Jeffries, T., Keller, J., Krivovichev, V. G., Markl, G., Platonova, N.V., Siidra, O. I. and Spratt, J. 2011, FERRIKAERSUTITE. Extended Abstract CNMMN.
Keller, J. and Zaitsev, A.: Natrocarbonatite petrogenesis: Compositional variation and relationships to peralkaline silicate magmas. PERALK Tübingen 2011. Invited Keynote, Extended Abstracts, Abstract Volume p. 66-68
Ghobadi, M., Gerdes, A., Brey, G. P., Höfer, H. E. and Keller, J.: In-situ trace element and U-Pb, Sr and Nd isotope analysis of accessory phases in Kaiserstuhl Carbonatites. PERALK Tübingen 2011. Extended Abstracts, Abstract Volume p. 48-50
Zaitsev A.N., Avdontseva E.Y, Britvin S.N., Demény A., Homonnay Z., Jeffries T., Keller J., Krivovichev V.G., Markl G., Platonova N.V., SiidraO.I. and Spratt J. 2011. NaCa2(Mg3Fe3+Ti)(Al2Si6O22)O2 – a new amphibole group mineral from the Deeti volcanic cone, Gregory Rift, northern Tanzania. Abstract Moscow Conference.
Gertisser, R., Charbonnier, S. J., Keller, J., Quidelleur, X. 2012. The geological evolution of Merapi volcano, Central Java, Indonesia. Bulletin of Volcanology 74, 1213-1233 , DOI 10.1007/s00445-012-0591-3.
Keller, J. and Zaitsev, A. 2012 Geochemistry and petrogenetic significance of natrocarbonatites at Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania: Composition of lavas from 1988 to 2007. Lithos 148, 45-53.
Ghobadi, M., Gerdes, A., Brey G.P., Höfer H.E. and Keller, J. 2012. In-situ trace element and U-Pb-, Sr- and Nd- isotope analysis of accessory phases in Kaiserstuhl Carbonatites.
European Mineralogical Conference 2012. Vol. 1, EMC2012-641, 2012.
Keller, J., Gertisser, R., Reusser, E. Dietrich, V. 2012. Pumice deposits of Santorini LP2 on Anafi island, Greece: Indications for a Plinian event of exceptional magnitude. VOLSAM 2012. Int. Conf. Volcanism of the Southern Aegean in the frame of the broader Mediterranean area. Santorini 2012. Abstracts.
Keller, J., Dietrich, V., Gertisser, R., Reusser, E., Aarburg, S. 2012. The Christiani Ignimbrite: Recognition of a major ignimbrite in the early evolution of the Santorini Group. VOLSAM 2012. Int. Conf. Volcanism of the Southern Aegean in the frame of the broader Mediterranean area. Santorini 2012. Abstracts.
Wulf, S., Keller, J., Paterne, M., Mingram, J., Lauterbach, S., Opitz, J., Sottili, G., Giaccio, B., Albert, P.G., Satow, C., Tomlinson, E.L., Viccaro, M., Brauer, A. 2013. The 100-133 ka record of Italian explosive volcanism and revised tephrochronology of Lago Grande di Monticchio. Quaternary Science Reviews 58, 104-123. DOI 10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.10.020
Zaitsev, A.N., Avdontseva, E.Y., Britvin, S.N., Demény,A., Homonnay, Z., Jeffries, T.E., Keller, J., Krivovichev, V.G., Markl, G., Platonova, N.V., Siidra, O.I., Spratt, J.,Vennemann, T. 2013. Oxo-magnesio-hastingsite, NaCa2(Mg3Fe33+)(Al2Si6)O22O2, a new anhydrous amphibole from the Deeti volcanic cone, Gregory rift, northern Tanzania. Mineralogical Magazine 77(6), 523–542.
Albert, P.G., Tomlinson, E.L., Lane, C., Wulf, S., Smith, V., Coltelli, M., Keller, J., Lo Castro, D., Manning, C.J., Muller, W & Menzies, M.A. (2013). Late glacial explosive activity on Mount Etna: implications for proximal-distal tephra correlations and the synchronisation of Mediterranean archives. JVGR, DOI: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2013.07.010
Albert, P.G., Hardiman, M., Keller, J., Tomlinson, E.L., Bourne, A., Smith, V.C., Wulf, S., Cioni, R., Müller, U., Ottolini, L., Matthews, I.P., Blockley, S., Menzies, M.A. 2013. Diagnostic glass geochemistry, improved chronology and extended dispersal of the Y-3 tephra. Abstract INTIMATE Meeting.
Tomlinson, E.L., Albert, P.G., Wulf, S., Civetta, L., Brown, R., Smith, V., Keller, J., Orsi, G., Menzies, M.A. (2013 – submitted). Tephra from Ischia: dating eruptions and geochemical changes. Abstract Goldschmidt Conference Florence 2013.
Wang, L., Wenzel, T., von der Handt, A., Keller, J., Marks, M.A.W., Markl, G. (2013 – submitted). Compositional variation in apatites from alkaline silicate rocks and associated carbonatites: a case study of the Kaiserstuhl complex, Germany
Abstract Goldschmidt Conference Florence, Italy 2013.
Albert, P., Hardiman, M., Keller, J., Tomlinson, E.L., Muller, U.C., Smith, V.C., Menzies, M. 2013 – submitted. The Y-3 tephra: new insights. Abstract Goldschmidt Conference Florence, Italy 2013.
submitted by September 2013
Lucchi, F., Peccerillo, A., Keller, J., Tranne, C.A. & Rossi, P.L. (Eds.), The Aeolian Islands Volcanoes. Geological Society of London, Memoirs, in print
Lucchi, F., Keller, J., Tranne, C. 2013a. Regional stratigraphic correlations across the Aeolian archipelago (southern Italy). In: Lucchi, F., Peccerillo, A., Keller, J., Tranne, C.A. & Rossi, P.L. (Eds.), The Aeolian Islands Volcanoes. Geological Society of London, Memoirs, this volume Ch.5.
Lucchi, F., Santo, A., Tranne, C.A., Peccerillo, A., Keller, J. 2013b. Volcanism, magmatism volcano-tectonics and sea-level fluctuations in the geological history of Filicudi (western Aeolian archipelago). In: Lucchi, F., Peccerillo, A., Keller, J., Tranne, C.A. & Rossi, P.L. (Eds.), The Aeolian Islands Volcanoes. Geological Society of London, Memoirs, this volume Ch. 7.
Lucchi, F., Gertisser, R., Keller, J., Forni, F., De Astis, G. & Tranne, C.A. 2013. Eruptive history and magmatic evolution of the island of Salina (central Aeolian archipelago), in: Lucchi, F., Peccerillo, A., Keller, J., Tranne, C.A. & Rossi, P.L. (Eds.), The Aeolian Islands Volcanoes. Geological Society of London, Memoirs, this volume Ch.8.
Lucchi, F., Peccerillo, A., Tranne, C.A., Keller, J. & Rossi, P.L. 2013b. Geological history of the Panarea volcanic group (eastern Aeolian archipelago), in: Lucchi, F., Peccerillo, A., Keller, J., Tranne, C.A. & Rossi, P.L. (Eds.), The Aeolian Islands Volcanoes. Geological Society of London, Memoirs, this volume Ch.11
Francalanci, L., Lucchi, F., Keller, J., De Astis, G. & Tranne, C.A. 2013. Eruptive, volcano-tectonic and magmatic history of Stromboli volcano (northeastern Aeolian archipelago), in: Lucchi, F., Peccerillo, A., Keller, J., Tranne, C.A. & Rossi, P.L. (Eds.), The Aeolian Islands Volcanoes. Geological Society of London, Memoirs, this volume (Chapter 12)
Albert, P., Hardiman, M., Keller, J., Tomlinson, E.L., Bourne, A. J., Smith, V.C., Wulf. S., Zanchetta, G., Sulpizio, R., Müller, U.C., Jörg Prossj, J., Ottolini, L., Matthews, I.P., Blockley, S.P.E., Menzies, M. (submitted). The Y-3 tephrostratigraphic marker revisited: new diagnostic glass geochemistry, improved chronology and climatostratigraphical interpretations
Wang, L., Wenzel, T., von der Handt, A., Teiber, H., Keller, J., Marks, M.A.W., Markl, G. (submitted). Textural and chemical signatures of apatites from the Kaiserstuhl Volcanic Complex, Germany: new constraints for the petrogenetic relationship between carbonatite and associated silicate rocks. Submitted to EJM 06/13